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Top 4 lessons learnt from COVID-19 pandemic

Namaste! 🙏

Hello everyone. Today we are going to discuss about something very uncommonly common since past one year. Yes you guessed it right! It is related to COVID-19 pandemic. 

It all started in Dec'19 in China and gradually it spreaded all over the globe. It has been more than one year , we have been trapped with this deadly COVID-19 Virus. Several efforts have been made to develop different medicines or vaccines that are effective and capable to fight against the deadly COVID-19 virus. There are few successful milestones achieved in developing some partially effective vaccines and find a combination of drugs that can some how help our bodies to fight against the deadly COVID-19 virus. 

There are thousands and thousands of families that got affected by COVID-19 virus. Many peopl lost their families,  friends and their near and dear ones. It is difficult time for human race to survive. Many nations including India,  USA, England,  Australia,  Italy, etc announced strict lockdown for several days, weeks and even months. The concept of lockdown was new and initially sounded threatening. During lockdown, no one is allowed to move out of their homes even for their job, work, businesses or any essential work unless and until government has not granted permissions to move out for such work. People were frightened with the lockdown phase as much as they were afraid of getting infected with the deadly COVID-19 virus. But lockdown has played a vital role in preventing further COVID-19 infection spread. Lockdown has also played a vital role in affecting Mankind physiologically. There are several impacts on human life caused by COVID-19 virus and Lockdown.  

We will talk about some impacts and lessons that we have learnt during this harsh phase of COVID-19 pandemic and during Lockdown.

1) Life is short - Live it!

Today, Covid-19 virus is the biggest threat to human life. COVID-19 pandemic has affected  139,676,468 people worldwide till date, of which 2,999,404 is the death count globally. Masses of people are getting affected. Thousands and thousands of people have lost their lives or their family members and friends. Many have lost their entire family. And there are many such families whee not a single person is alive in any corner of the world. Just imagine the impact of the deadly COVID-19 virus pandemic.  People used to run after their jobs and businesses,  kept running after money and didn't pay attention to their health and family. But now, things have changed a little bit. Ofcourse you cannot stop working, as you have family to feed. But, people have now realized the value of life. People now know that everything is important,  but everything can come to a hault when your life is in danger. People have now realized that they can enjoy the material pleasure of the world only if they have a LIFE. Life is like a boon, it is the real essence of joy. And a healthy life is a blessing, especially during such worse conditions of COVID-19 pandemic.  

It is an Indian saying in hindi - "Jaan hai, toh Jahaan hai" which means "Only if you have life, you have this world" that's just a straightforward translation of the hindi Indian saying, but sit and think for a while and you will realise the deepest philosophy hidden in such small phrase quoted in hindi.

2) Money cannot buy lives!

Money has become the top most priority for everyone. People have become so greedy about money that they are ready to do anything to make more and more money. People think that money is the tool with which you can buy all the worldly pleasures and make yourself satisfied and happy. People think "Money can buy happiness". Ofcourse money can buy happiness, but it is materialistic happiness. But Covid-19 pandemic has caused such a drastic impact on human lives, that even the power of money fails to help us. Thousands of people are taking their last breath, and all we can do is try our best and wait for what is coming next. Now and then all we hear is about a person getting infected with COVID-19 virus and then a person leaving his life due to Covid-19 virus. It costs a heavy loss of money. Money is simply drained out of your pockets like sand in your fist - for the treatment of the person affected with Covid-19 virus. But, does it give assurance of a healthy comeback of the person? Does it save life of the person? Can it bring a person back to life? 

Some people might argue over it that yes, without money a person would have not received any medical facilities. Agreed to it. But, in last one year we have seen hundreds of filthy rich people dieing of Covid-19 virus. It might be hard for money minded people to digest the fact that "money cannot buy happiness". To understand this look around you, you might find some or the other one who have lost their near and dear one due to deadly COVID-19 virus.  Go and talk to them, you will realize that yes money is just a tool with which we can apparently satisfy ourselves that money is most important and can do anything. But the fact is, during such hard times money is important and needed to full your basic needs, a little bit of leisure,  a little bit of entertainment and other basic needs which have become part of our daily routine. But when it comes to chooseing between life and money - I would atleast prefer a life over money.  As we discussed earlier  "Jaan hai, toh Jahaan hai " - if we have life, we will get a chance to create an entire new world around us. Money is just a tool to satisfy our basic needs. It cannot buy lives.

3) Entertainment with family is happiness!

We still remember that there was a free life when we used to go to malls, cinema, gamezones, cafes and clubs. Those were the places to hangout and chill. That was the best way to entertain yourself out of your bored life. And then came Covid-19 pandemic which created threat all over the world. And eventually,  the rising cases of Covid-19 virus infection brought Lockdown in our life. It was a new concept. We had no clue how to survive without our day to day ways of getting entertained. We started to feel super bored. It was new phase of life. It was the new normal. But thanks to our family, thanks to our grandparents, thanks to our parents-why? They introduced us to a new life. A life they lived when there were no Playstations, cafes, cinemas,etc. They introduced us to a new Era of life which was pretty older I guess, but was entertaining.  We started to play board games, cards, cooked food together, had breakfast and lunch and snacks and dinner together. We started to live. We temporarily got detached from material world,  and discovered a new life which brought us closer to our families. We got time with our family members. We got a chance to discovered everyone's new and amazing side. There were times that it became frustrating too. But, it was real and it was fun.

And no Indian can ever forget the contribution of "The Ramayana" & "The Mahabharata" TV serials during lockdown. It was so indulging and interesting. It brought us to a point where every youth became curious to know about the ancient Mythological stories and the truth hidden behind it. Some connected with it on the name of god while some on the name of knowledge and curiosity while othrs on the name of trend. Youth started to take a U-Turn toward core Indian values. It removed the bar of religion among Indians. People of all the religions were totally connected by those two TV serials.

That was the real source of entertainment. That was real happiness. To be with your family. To talk to each other, and simply the best source of entertainment- Entertainment and happiness to our soul.

4) Facilities

And finally we would talk about one of the most important aspect of our blog. Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted few of the biggest loop-holes in our system. It has highlighted the need of online job facilities, touch-less services, the power of IT services and most importantly need of hi-tech and well equiped medical facilities. During such hard time of Covid-19 pandemic, we are facing a rising need of hospital facilities. Even the most deeloped countries that call themselves Super-powers are forced to come on their knees in front of the deadly Covid-19 virus infection. India, to a certain extent worked very well compared to all the developed nations, but now it has started to face a great shortage of hospital facilities. In general world-wide senario, hospitals are lacking oxygen, by-paap and ventilator facilities. There are shortage of medicines due to shortage of raw material for medicines.

Need of well developed laboratories with advanced and fast machineries is also a concern in the current scenario. Well equipped laboratories need skilled professionals-which leads us to developement of an sophisticated education system that teaches real time technologies and problem solving skills which a advanced in-house lab facilities for pratical education experience. Education and healthcare facilities are the major concerns which needs to be develeoped in almost all the countries of the world so that world has a solution to all the real-time problems that it has to face in future.

Covid-19 pandemic has taught greatest lessons to mankind. We have learnt it through our experiences, you might have learnt it from your expereinces in this hard time of Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown. 

Share your experience and life-lessons with us in the comment section below.

Namaste! 🙏


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